Nowadays in such hectic life, our lifestyle has been disturbed where different factors are involved. These factors may include germs that take entry into our body or imbalanced food that leaves lasting disturbances. In the end, we face different sorts of diseases. The stomach is an important part of our body if not work well our whole body gets disturbed and the meal we take create massive problems for us that result in different stomach diseases gastritis is a disease in which, stomach superficial mucosa affected badly and on the upper side of mucosa erosion take place. In this stage, if treatment is not taken properly then the stomach gets disturbed & may not work properly. W.S Gastronil syrup is beneficial to fix gastric problems at the earliest and relieves the patient from gastric disturbances.
For all types of gastritis (Acute and chronic) gastric colic, rumbling and distention of the abdomen and gastro-esophageal reflux. Gastronil is a clinically proved medicine for gastritis due to liver problems and Hepatitis.
Category: 3 Digestive and Gastric, Gastric and Hepatic Remedies, SYRUPS
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