In developing countries due to lack of food and water facilities, different sorts of diseases in children are experienced like in baby’s intestinal tract some parasite develops resulting in malabsorption, abdominal pain, diarrhea, anemia, general weakness and the end result of these above is growth retardation. Usually, children have two types of worms, Tapeworms & Roundworms which are further classified as 1-Taenia, 2-Oxyuris, 3-Ascaris Lumbricoides. The presence of oxyuris in the intestinal tract of the children causes’ abdominal pain & bed-wetting while Ascaris nausea, vomiting, and other gastrointestinal disturbance. Tapeworm causes anemia in children.
W.S Wormocide Syrup cures such indications. Wormocide interferes with the cellular tubulin formation in the worm, thus disturbing the glucose uptake and normal digestive function of the worm to such an extent that an autolytic process occurs.
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